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Friday 25 February 2011

Why are some Christians just 'sick'?

Christians, usually the more fundamental kind, are oft criticised for gloating on the belief that 'unworthy people' will go to hell which is usually the fire, brimstone, gnashing of teeth and eternal torment kind. It almost seems to give them joy that people who didn't make the righteous grade, which they seem confident on reaching, will be horribly punished for eternity.

But this post isn't really about them, but about a more specific 'sick' Christian called Anthony Horvath who has a website and a series of stories about three people dying and going to Heaven. The three people are Richard Dawkins, Antony Flew, and Mother Teresa.

For starters only two of these people are actually dead. Richard Dawkins is currently still very much alive and it seems very inappropriate and dare I say unchristian to write about someone dying and what becomes of them, while they are still in this world.

But the inappropriateness of this pales beside the actual story, which the biologist Professor PZ Myers aptly summarises on his blog Pharyngula ;
"Richard Dawkins dies, goes to heaven, is judged, and sent to hell. It's short, only seven pages long, and five of them are spent in loving description of the disintegration of Dawkins. It's nothing but a horror story for Christians in which the bad guy meets a grisly end".
I  truly consider this to be sick and ghoulish. To quote Myers again;
"It's a wonderfully Christian fantasy, isn't it?"


  1. Personally I don't find the taking of pleasure or satisfaction from the suffering of others (whether real or imagined) particularly in keeping with Jesus Christ's teachings regarding the treatment of others.

  2. Most Christians don't in my experience. Most don't even believe in a literal fiery hell only the more fundamental sects. I'm not sure exactly what this guy believes but to describe the end of an actual living person takes relish.
